Senin, 12 Februari 2018


Who are the Twin Flames, where they come from and what´s their mission on Earth?

A little history of their multidimensional origin:

The soul of every human being in 3rd dimension in this planet, is in 6th density (what we know as the Higher Self).

This soul has no defined sex, it contains both polarities together or unified in perfect balance. This is clearly shown in the Hindu deities which are represented with androgynous features.

In order to experience, in 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st density, it was necessary for the soul to be divided into two polarities: male and female. Many legends, myths, sacred texts, ancient beliefs, etc, they have repeated this story over and over again. Even the Catholic-Christian Bible refers to the myth that God created man and then takes a part of this man (Adam) and transformes it into his feminine complement (or Eve).

Some authors and experts on the subject say that these souls are graduate 6th density souls, meaning souls who had passed all their incarnations and initial evolutionary process, but now return to give a service to the planet. To get back again to lower levels implies that the soul is separated into two polarities and descend and incarnate in two different bodies. Both polarities, male and female, had already experienced thousands of incarnations in 3rd density not only on Earth, but also on other 3-d planets like ours.

This planet is about to enter its 4th density or planetary ascension as a result of overcoming the terms to support human life after more than 75,000 years of continuous and repeated incarnations in the 3-d. This great cycle of 75,000 years divided at a time into 3 small cycles or processions of the equinoxes around the great central sun. Each spin or galactic cycle has approximately 25,000 years. The Earth has filled those mentioned cycles.

Those Twin Flames that will meet in this incarnation will do so with a very defined spiritual aim, it´s inscribed within themselves: unite their energies opposed but complementary, to help this sphere to ascend to the 4th density. Their union will anchor Divine light to assist this process.

Only 2 or 3% of humans will find their twin here and now. This number is sufficient for the necessary consciousness awakening for their multidimensional important meeting.

These Twin Flames have come to remember ... to awaken from their earthly hypnosis of the mind / emotions / desires that moved them away from their true spiritual role here and now. Many books, videos, lectures, people, coincidences and synchronicities will be part of the process of their personal awakening.

Some Twin flames special features

- They have similar or complementary skills. They have 75-80% of similarity (tastes, qualities, desires) and 25-30% of differences / tolerances between them.

- There will be intense and strange sexual attraction. If this doesn´t happen, they would only be soulmates. Remember: their desire to be together and unified, is not from this dimension.

- They will not necessarily came to make a predictable and routinary life like getting married, have children, pay bills, go on Sunday to mom´s house, etc. they may not wish paradigms like these. Their sense of total freedom and unconditional love are above social dogmas taxes. They want an open and untethered freedom. They will love, but without manipulating or enslave their Twin Flame.

- They are supremely independent in every way. They must be at peace / love with their opposite polarity (healing wounds). that´s the only way their reunion by destiny will be fluid and smooth. Many when they meet will not have fully healed their ego and the traumas of the past, even past lives, so the meeting initiates a process of intense healing so they will increase their vibrations in unconditional love, and will drop the ego.

- Both are very metaphysical, esoteric, and open in mind and spirit. They will seek together or on their individual ways the awakening of consciousness. They will support each other in this crucial aspect and if they are physically together, they can work together on this mission.

- You don´t search for the Twin Flame: they find you at the right time. He/ She will sit beside you and both will flow magically like old, wonderful, millenary and multidimensional friends.

- Sexual, mental, emotional and psychic-spiritual connection eventually will be developed. All this will flow magically without conscious effort of both. Seeing two Twin Flames together the casual observer will see a beautiful, harmonious and loving couple with everyone and with the Universe. There will be magic, sweetness and charm at their pace without conscious effort of them.

- Both may have been through catalyzing experiences with soulmates, souls that they previously agreed to meet, surely souls of the same family or known in past lives, which paved the path towards their Twin Flame. Previous relationships ended with people who had a special connection, and left a very valuable learning and teaching to facilitate a new union.

- The journey of healing and reunion with the Twin Flame is not easy, not mere romanticism, it´s not about traditional relationship, or the end of a fairy tale (though of course, involves one of the greatest happiness experienced in the world ).

They require a lot of inner work, healing old wounds, psycho-spiritual work, drop the ego and operate from the heart. Work a lot with the heart chakra, unlock it; women understand and heal their masculine side, and men understand and heal their feminine side. These relationships bring everything up in order to heal wounds, even past life traumas. That´s why at the beginning there is a tendency to escape, and not to face the connection, blaming the other person for what each one is healing.

Actually it´s a gift of love that is rarely initially valued, but ultimately is understood and appreciated, since the person is healed of all their psychological, emotional and spiritual burdens.

With the twin flame union on Earth in the light and unconditional love of their ONE 6th density sovereign soul, they will contribute unconditionally as they are: magical and powerful beings for the elevation and transmutation of dense energies, karmic and chaotic in this 3-d planet. They come to energetically cleanse this sphere and then to raise spiritually from the center of their hearts full of light, peace and unconditional, Christic and multidimensional Love.

"We haven´t come to learn anything ... we have come together to remember"

By: Tunjung Dhimas  ....…................................... Source:

Twin Flames Eternal .2014. Us. Lone-Wolf.

Chen, Alexsia. 2017. Twin Flames; Belahan Jiwa. Tanggerang Salatan.Javanica: publication.

Coeleho, Paulo. 2016. Brida. Jakarta. Gramedia.

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