Rabu, 20 September 2017


Sang lindung, aku ora duwe ingkung
Sang lindung, aku aja digawe binggung
Kaki danyang, nini danyang

Jaran kepangku balekna ngandhang...

e... jaran putih ngalor mlayune
kae... jaran abang ngidul mlayune
jaran kuning ngetan mlayune
Jaran ireng ngulon mlayune
sliramu sing nyekel pecute
jo malah kegeret playune jaran
aja padha keseret ngalor lan aja padha keseret ngidul....
aja padha keseret ngetan lan aja padha keseret ngulon
sing mencit methithit
ngener marang langit
manunggal marang Pangeranmu
muliha menyang kandhangmu
yaiku keblat papat lima pancermu...

Sang lindung, aku ora duwe ingkung
Sang lindung, aku aja digawe binggung
Kaki danyang, nini danyang
Jaran kepangku balekna ngandhang

jaranmu tansah merem
mung sliramu sing weruh ana ing tujuwe
jaranmu tansah luwe...
mung sliramu sing weruh ana ing wates..
jaranmu tansah nepsu
mung sliramu sing weruh ana ing prelu
yen siro gelem diseret-eret jaranmu
ngkuwihi tujumu watesmu lan prelumu
sira bakal ora weruh ing tuju...
ora weruh ing wates
ora weruh ing prelu
tujumu, watesmu, prelumu
yaiku tetelu, keblat bejane uripmu..
amek banyu apepikulan warih
jaranmu iku jaran banyu
aja numpak yen sliramu
durung weruh segering banyu...

amek geni adedamaran
jaranmu iku jaran geni
aja numpak yen sliranmu
durung weruh padhanging geni
apa kang ginayuh ing wektu
bakal kasembadan yen sliramu
apepikulan segering ati
lan dedamaran padhanging budimu

sang lindung leyang arane kepang
sang lindung kidang arane jaran
ajuju si wringin sungsang
kinubeng ing kumbala geni..

pyur ilang dadi banyu puyih
wujurmd tunggal waluya jati
sira muliha nang negaramu
ing watu koyo iku

mutmainah jaran putihmu
lumepasna kekarepanmu
amarah jaran abangmu
singkirna angkara murkamu
supiyah jaran kuningmu
tebihna alane gegayuhanmu
aluamah jaran irengmu
luwarna srakahe wetengmu...

The papat sedulur actually the angel - an angel that is in the religion of Islam . already curious ? please read the following article to completion .

After Islam came Java beliefs about the four brothers combined with 4 angels in the Islamic world is Gabriel, Michael , Isrofil , Ijro'il . And by certain Sufi teachings align with the nature of lust ke'empat namely : Lust Anger , Lawwamah , Sufiah and Mutmainah .

First Jibril or Gabriel in Hebrew means god hero function is to disseminate information , in Islam is known as a transmitter of revelation to the prophets . In Islam the concept of Java Jibril positioned on the spiritual power of the membranes . There is the view that after the death of the Prophet Muhammad Jibril automatic idle because was he who received the final revelation .

But not so in view of Java , accompanied Jibrilnya everyone . Essentially there is only one in the universe Gabriel but no light is emitted in every self . Ruh tidah like never expressed in the plural in the Quran . But every self gets puffs spirit of god and soul into the A , the B, the C Etc. .. but reflected on a mirror so seolah2 setiapm each mirror contains Ruh , and the man is actually a mirror of the self . each to receive the overflow of the overflow cahayanya.Diantara light is Gabriel who brought every person .

Gabriel will lead people to the beaten path , which had cleared him , clean the mirror , cleanse his heart . Gabriel was the one who adds to the firm and thick that one's faith . Java in the repertoire alongside Gabriel true Master , side by side with private self .

Gabriel was not able to Sidratul mengantarka Prophet himself Muntaha in Mij'raj he also told when Gabriel appeared to the apostles always presented to the other precious angels that accompanied Michael isrofil Ijroil .

Clear that when wrapping kahadiran fetal membranes was accompanied saudara2nya others . Judging from the keddudukannya earliest exit then called a brother or Kakang ( older brother ) baby. once the baby is born then it 's done amniotic physical tasks . but the spiritual amniotic exsistensi she keep the baby and lead to the end .

the extension was created after the angel Gabriel Michael . Umbilical Cord Blood and no sooner than the membrane that encloses the fetus at the uterus ( cervix )

Two to Angel Israfil . According to the hadith the angel Israfil was created after the creation of the Throne ( Throne of God ) is referred to as an angel grappler universe , he blew the trumpet Destruction And Power . He described looked up to see the schedule at the end of the world that there is Lawh Al- Mahfuz .

Israfil in sepadankan with the placenta , afterbirth or placenta , placentas are overarching objectives of the fetus to the place it was he who gave distribute food security and comfort of the fetus with the placenta in fetal life lasts .
Exsistensi Ari - ari is paralleled by an angel Israfil In fetuses born , Ari - ari accepted as a younger brother ( sister ) .

Although his body was no longer the placenta still provide protection for humans after birth . Existence of the angel Israfil created in advance of the angels Michael and Gabriel As. Israfil is believed to be Pelita Hearts For humans to keep her light , That is why most evil humans there are glimmers of light in his heart remains there its goodness if only for dust ...

The third is the Angel Michael , One of the princes of the angels are angels .. Michael is an angel duties Maintain Life . In a hadith narrated that the angel Michael the task of maintaining the growth of trees , also Human Animal life .. It was he who set up the wind and rain and split the fortune to all creatures .

At papat sedulur concept that has been adjusted with the teachings of Islam , Umbilical Cord Blood is Locus , a place holder for the angel Michael he is a lifeline for life manusia.Zat nutrients , oxygen and substances that need to be disposed of so as not to poison the fetus fetus . Subhanallah .. He had arranged a human life in the womb through angels angels .

Michael is viewed as the Javanese people who give you food, clothing and shelter , if a person invoking the protection god then Michael would keep the law to protect it .

Fourth is the Angel Ijroil . Angel of Death is believed to be responsible for the death . Human presence is greatly feared .. If death has arrived then he would humans Mercy Me timely manner .

In the concept of the Angel of Death sedulur papat Human brother turns himself instead of someone else , and he would not violate his duty if a person has not reached his end he will not mewafatkannya .. He is present to alleviate human suffering , to protect certainly true brothers are always concerned when on the right . Imagine if the man can not die but suffer life .. ? what is not torture .. ? imagine if there are people who want to die aja hard not to play .. Nauzubillah ..

Ijroil referred to as the power of God that resides in the Blood , In daily life Ijroil duty to keep a pure heart , if the heart awake sanctity of life then fear of suffering and death will be no more .

If death had reached the other angels Ijroil organize , organize your other brother to end his life . Permana which gives strength to the soul lifted out of the body , so the body can no longer be controlled by the soul . Ruh our subsistence off .. body became limp and helpless shellac is a common form of death for man .. loh kok .. so yaa ? Well that is not common yaaa .. The True Self when man is capable of leading the brothers to release the human spirit to nature Invisibility . Thus people have mempu properly for death , he tells his relatives and when death will come .

All this magic you 've become one with our body , when in the womb on their own form. but when the baby is born there is only one manifestation . Four sisters remain with us in the form of Spirit and The Invisible .

There is a quote verse in the Quran that need to see .
" In Kullu nafsin lamma alayha hafizh " > ' Every self is necessarily a guard ' or ' wa huwa al - Qahir fawq iba'dih alaykum wa Yusril hafazhah idza hatta al - mawt ja'a ahadakum tawaffathu rusuluna wahum la yufarrithun " > ' he who authority over his household . And he sent it to you - guard guard to protect you . If someone 's time to die , then our delegates was mewafatkannya no wrong "

Symbolization Sedulur Papat Limo Pancer in Puppets
Semar as Sapta Arga descent pamomong not alone . He was accompanied by his three children , namely ; Gareng , Petruk , Bagong . The fourth man named Panakawan . Can be seen , almost at every shadow puppet performances prototype , will appear a knight Saptaarga descent followed by Semar , Gareng , Petruk , Bagong . Dipagelarkan story whatever , into five figures occupy an important position . They story begins from a monastery or hermitage Saptaarga other . After obtaining a wide range of knowledge and advices from the Begawan , they went down the mountain to the science that has been obtained , by doing penance ngrame . ( help with no strings attached ) .

It is said , the trip to the four knights and his servant entered the forest . This illustrates that the knights began to enter the field of life who have never known , dark , full of shrubs , many wild animals , evil creatures who are ready to block it , even if negligent could threaten his life . But in the end the Knights , Semar , Gareng , Petruk , Bagong managed to pluck victory by defeating giant herd , so it worked out forest safely . Outside the forest , obstacles still facing , always threatening danger . Thanks Semar and his sons , the Knights can get rid of all obstacles and successfully completed his task safely .

Why is the role of Semar and his sons, to determine the success of a life ? Semar is a picture of a participating organization of the divine in human life proceeds . To further clarify the role of Semar , the Semar comes with three other figures . To four panakawan is a symbol of creativity, taste , intention and work . Semar has a prominent feature of the white tuft . White tuft on the head as a symbol of the mind , a clear idea or copyrights . Gareng have prominent features that kero -eyed , handed legged throbbing pain and limping . Into three physical disabilities symbolize taste . Squint eyes , is a sense of awareness , a sense of precision hand is throbbing pain and limping legs is a sense of prudence . Petruk is a symbol of the will , desire , intention is depicted in her hands . When actuated , the arms like two people who work well together . Hand pointing forward , choose what you want, hands clutched behind what has been selected . While the work of Bagong symbolized by the two hands of the fifth finger wide open , meaning that is always willing to work hard .

Copyright , taste , Karsa and the work is a unity that can not be separated . Creativity, taste , intention and the work is in an area called the personal or human identity , symbolized Knight figures .
Picture of the ideal man is a picture of the whole human person , where creativity, taste , intention and the work can occupy their functions harmoniously , to then walk over to the lofty ideals . It thus becomes clear that between the Knights and panakawan significant relationship . Knight character will succeed in life and achieve the ideals if constituted a clear mind ( copyright ) , sincere heart ( feeling ) , will , determination ( intention ) and willing to work hard ( work ) .
Knight and his servant symbolize four , similar to the ' ngelmu ' sedulur papat five pancer . Sedulur papat is panakawan , five pancer is ksatriya .

Tunjung Dhimas

Translate by: Rosana Wati


~ Serat Centini.Asmaradhana.332.jilid 5

~ KilltheDj (Jogja Hip Hop foundation) liric: Suwukan Jaran kepang.

~ The Power and Authentic Javanese Culture.

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