Kamis, 19 Juli 2018

Divine Authority

Tidak usah berkompromi saat anda sedang mengalami cobaan dalam hidup anda. Dalam setiap percobaan Tuhan menaruh otoritas -Nya. Tetaplah memenuhi komitmen yang anda cita-citakan, pegang peranan serta prinsip untuk merawat iman anda masing-masing. Siapa beriman atau meyakini sesuatu tanpa bergeser karena percobaan atau mengalami dinamika kehidupan, sesungguhnya dialah yang akan selamat.

Kokohnya kita karena merawat iman bukan dengan mudah  menyerah pada nasib serta keadaan saat mengalami cobaan. Maka anda harus menentukan kedaulatan anda dengan mengenali personalitas serta identitas. Indentitas adalah sesuatu yang membentuk anda setiap hari; lingkungan, pergaulan, ilmu pelajaran, budaya, atau kebiasaan. Sementara personalitas adalah bahan otoritas Illahi yang tertera pada setiap pribadi; talenta-watak, atau karakter dasar (blueprint). Analoginya sebuah pisau yang dibuat dari bahan baja dan titanium tentu berbeda. Bahan baja saat menjadi pisau saat ditempa dan diasah perlu berkali-kali untuk menajamkannya. Sementara bahan titanium tanpa terlalu banyak diasah ia tetap mudah tajam.

Jadi, seperti pisau mengapa saat proses pengasahan kita sering menjumpai kesulitan, karena kebanyakan orang hanya mengaku- menyadari diri sebagai identitas. Tidak pernah benar-benar merenungi ada personalitas di dalam dirinya. Mungkin seorang profesor akan dilihat sebagai profesor oleh rekan-rekannya. Atau dia sendiri menyadari bahwa ia profesor. Ini rata-rata penyimpulan manusia atas dirinya. Padahal profesor itu bentukan identitas bukan personalitas.

Mungkin anda selalu bosan dengan apa yang anda jalani saat ingin menentukan tujuan. Misal dalam kasanah spiritual, ada beberapa orang bermeditasi yang satu mampu melesat pada peningkatan kesadaran yang signifikan, yang lainnya kesulitan untuk mencapai yang seperti dikehendakinya. Padahal mereka sama-sama menggunakan instrumen yang sama. Atau mungkin dalam hal lain. Kencenderungan manusia itu selalu mengukur dirinya dengan orang lain, yang tentunya semuanya tak ada yang benar-benar sama. Mereka hanya kelelahan karena mengira semua hal dalam kehidupan itu sebagai kompetisi termasuk perihal perjumpaan dengan Tuhan (diri sejati).

Saya katakan tak perlu merisaukan apapun, teruslah berjalan serta bertumbuh. Alami segala proses dinamika kehidupan untuk menajamkan diri. Tetap berkomitmen dengan prinsip kasih, hidup ini bukan lini kompetisi atau ukur-mengukur. Kehidupan ini ladang belajar berkomitmen menebar kasih pada sesama. Bersikaplah murah hati pada sesamamu, jangan membenci, jangan mudah patah arah, karena setiap dari anda adalah benih pelita yang datang dari lorong kegelapan. Naiklah hingga dimensi cahaya tertinggi. Ini baru di bumi kelas dimana anda di berikan mata kuliah dengan segala dinamikanya. Jadi terang cahaya untuk menyinari sudut-sudut bumi yang masih gelap gulita.

Dalam bahasa Inggris, murah hati itu "kindnes" dan tidak sama dengan "fondness". Hanya karena kita tidak suka seseorang bukan berarti kita tidak bisa mengasihi dan menunjukan kebaikan kepadanya. Sebab kebaikan adalah sebuah komitmen, dan murah hati adalah prinsip kasih mendalam dari sanubari, disanalah otoritas Illahi  (divine authority) selalu menjalin kemesraan dengan setiap pribadi ! Renungkanlah kebenaran yang yang memerdekaan diri. Bukan pembenaran yang melumpuhkan nurani.

~ Tunjung Dhimas Bintoro

Minggu, 08 Juli 2018


Your day to day life may only persuade you just get by. I want to persuade you to grow and change.
I have experienced the same thing as those who are not aware that their day to day life forces us to surrender to thought. Many people are stuck in a routine of just getting by instead of growing. These people read the daily newspaper headlines full of bad news and think to themselves, “That’s terrible. How can I make it in such an awful world? I’m not talented. I’m not rich. My mother is sick. I’m deeply in debt, my wife / husband is having an affair....... life is tough.”
As your day to day lulls you into settling to just get by, I want to persuade you to grow. I am aware that we need wisdom to understand what God has given us. However, I do not believe that it is better to keep ourselves in a place where we are not able to go after our dreams or hope the bounty of God’s grace.
Remember that you have a deep reservoir of hope inside you that many call God. He is the miracle that is always with you. He is giving you strength every day to solve your problems and walk your own path of destiny. He grants you great fortune, perhaps not in material things, but in the form of your own personal talents, or perhaps exceptional people we know, or strangers that are soon to become friends, or just friendly faces we see in the street. Often we fail to see these daily miracles because our minds are too preoccupied with the riddles and dramas of our daily lives. What a shame it is to miss out on a miracle because we are worried that our bank account isn’t big enough, or that the object of our affections does not feel the same way as we do, and all the other mini tragedies that play out over and over.
We go through life with all the different trials that humans face, each a series of story panels that are written and illustrated by God. Although it may not seem like it sometimes, God has a bigger plan for us. God is in absolute control. If something bad happens, don’t curl up into a ball and tell yourself, “agh.... this sucks. If I can just grit my teeth and hold on for another year.......”
Take a deep breath and put your foot down and say, “I am not just going to get by. I am going to grow. I will move forward no matter what obstacles confront me.”
A friend of mine told me that her life was a mess and she had been suffering through her marriage for years. She had tried her best to hang in there, but that it wasn’t working. She said to me, “Tunjung, at least I’m able to hang in there even though my life and husband are (messed up) like this.” She had a kind of satisfaction in getting by, but I let her know that in her current state she was powerless, and that she had lost her spirit. She was a beautiful young woman, but she had lost her zest for life. I could see she was losing the sparkle in her eye.
I let her know that she can get past this stage in her life, but she cannot continue living in a mindset of just getting through the day. God gives us new opportunities all the time. He gives us the miracle of new challenges that push ourselves to be more than we were the day before. Living by the creed of “just getting by” prevents you from receiving God’s gift. Shake off that idea and tell yourself, “God, I promise on my soul and body that whenever you put me in danger or difficulty I will accept it and use it for my own good. I will go through fire, hunger, floods, inner strife, but I know that this is the time for humility and to receive your miracles. This is the time for me to witness your greatness, which is bigger and more powerful than my own limited mind can imagine. I know you have a bigger plan for me.”
Guard your faith and you will continue to grow and you will find within yourself the solution to all your problems, both of the body and the spirit. I want you to look for opportunities for God to take you to ever greater heights. Look to this year as the best year so far!
I have experience in growing your faith to make it ever more fertile, helping you to keep your joy, and healing your sorrow. This is the advice I give you based on my own experience:
1. Be faithful, say positive things to yourself every day.
2. Give respect to yourself, because you are all you need in your life. Remember to reward
yourself with time for recreation and relaxation. 3. Smile more at all times.

4. Get together with positive people who support you, who have equal vibration in mind and inner feelings.
5. Care about all creatures, great and small, plants and animals, and, of course, people too. When it comes to people, take time to make positive affirmations to all different kinds of people. For example, you could reach out to long lost friends and those who used to be close to your heart. Don’t be afraid to send them a short message with a blessing. You could say, one morning, “Good morning! Hope you have a great day to day. I hope it is a blessed day, full of energy and happiness.”
(Tunjung Dhimas Bintoro)
There are those who say that just showing up and getting through the day will bring happiness , but I say create your strength and grow so your happiness will bear fruit from inside of you. Happiness that bears fruit is a form of peace.

~ Tunjung Dhimas Bintoro

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